Nature Based Mindfulness & Self Compassion Courses
These 6 week mindfulness courses will give you the tools, guidance and experience to bring a regular mindfulness and meditation practice into your daily life.
Mindfulness and meditation helps us to become aware in the present moment, allowing us to gain a different perspective on the challenging streams of thoughts and feelings which we may be experiencing.
With a few simple tools and a bit of practice, we can begin to turn down the volume on these challenging aspects and develop positive, constructive attitudes which drastically improve our wellbeing.
Throughout the course we will learn about the 8 attitudes of mindfulness and reflect on how our minds, emotions, thoughts and body sensations all interact with one another. We will explore the benefits of being present and aware in the moment, comparing this to what happens when we’re living life on auto pilot. ​
Each session will have 2 meditations within it. These are guided meditations during which we attempt to hold our attention on a chosen focus. In doing so, we find both moments of stillness, as well as really getting to see and understand how unruly our minds are, and the effect this has on our wellbeing. These meditations help to exercise our mental ability to stay present with ‘what is’, rather than rambling off into the future or reminiscing/regretting the past.
There’s also encouragement and resources to help you to continue your practice during the week, both of meditation and other mindful exercises. ​